

I identify as a scholartist--infusing the intentional playfulness and activism of praxis into my scholarship and teaching. Merging intersectional feminism and decolonial theory to inform my scholartisty, I challenge the ways that knowledge is produced and shared, centering participant voices in the co-creation of embodied explorations. I merge the tools of sustainability studies, speech and language hearing sciences and the digital humanities to amplify stories authored by Middle Eastern North African (MENA) youth. 

My research is the first to utilize applied theatre to highlight Egyptian women’s contributions to MENA decoloniality efforts and identity formation, as well as participation in sustainable development. My dissertation (February 2023), Performing Decolonial Egyptian Feminism, presents a foundational theoretical praxis for conducting applied and devised theatre in Egypt.

I’ve been nationally recognized by the Egyptian Minister of Expatriate Affairs and the Ministry of Education in Aswan, and continue contributing to national educational reform initiatives to this day. I’m also one fo the founding members of the Middle Eastern Theatre focus group at the Association of Theatre in Higher Education

I’m graduating with my PhD in Theatre and Performance Studies from the University of Colorado Boulder, where I also received my MA. I’m a member of the Child Language Learning Lab in Speech and Language Hearing Sciences, and am also pursuing the graduate certificate in Cognitive Sciences. I hold two Bachelor degrees in Arts Administration and in Theatre, with a minor in Studio Art (Fiber) from the University of Kentucky.

Upcoming Projects


Eco-Puppetry with Social Media for Women’s Joyful Public Expression”

An embodied exploration for the NGO CSW67 Forum: UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW)

March 8, 2023 (International Women’s Day) 8:30-10 AM, Salvation Army Auditorium, 221 E. 52nd St.